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Omega Replica
Omega Replica's creativeness was best demonstrated in the US Open semi-finals in 2009, when he hit a "tweener", a shot between the legs that took NovakDjokovic past triple match point. Omega Replica laughs at the memory. "You have to make a shot like that because you don't have any other options." "Novak had the perfect position onthenet. I knew I'd lose the point if I hit a lob. I knew from my practice that I could hit the between-the-legsshot pretty well. I thought I would probably lose the point, but we were on Centre Court at the US Open. I decided to give it a try and see what happens.

"All of that went through my head super quickly, and before I knew it, I had just reacted. The ball was already past Djokovic, and it had already been a winner.Omega Replica I suddenly found myself at triple match points. At that moment, you're uplifted by the thought: "Oh my god!" You feel your game level increase. Then, on the second serve of his I hit a cross-hand winner and won the match. It's hard to tell at first what is going on but you realize later that this was a special shot. It's unlikely that I will ever make another shot like this in my entire career. It was very rare, it was in the moment and the crowd loved it. And it will go down as one of my greatest shots."

Looking back on his early days of playing, Omega Replica describes himselfas"aracquet-throwing brat", something that he made a conscious decisionto move away from when he realised this emotionality was preventing him from realising his full potential. He recalls, "There are many ways to address this challenge." One way is by having a mental trainer like I did. He tried to calm me down for years. He talked to me constantly about how to not lose my temper. I had many conversations with my coaches, my parents, my friends and my family. Everyone told me that I would never benefit my game by self-destructing.

Omega Replica was disappointed with himself every time he faced a challenge, as he always sought perfection too soon. The breakthrough happened when he eventuallyrealisedthat the answer lay in his own hands, that nobodyelse could solvetheproblem for him and he needed to makeaconscious decisiontofix things. In 2001, he made a decision to be quiet for three months and not just one tournament.Rolex Replica Watches He did it and the following season, he played in the quarterfinals at the French Openand then at Wimbledon in which he beat Pete Sampras.

"I could see that it worked, but I thought it might have been too effective. The fire started to leave me. I realized that I had been a little too quiet. It would seem normal for me to react in a certain way when I took my best shot. After my worst shots, I'd be like "whatever". AndIdidn'tlikethisfeeling. I had to wait six to one year before the fire returned, but I still felt calm. And all of asuddensomethingclicked and that's when the results really begantocome.In2003, I still had some up and down results. After losing the first round of the French Open, I won Wimbledon. Once I won Wimbledon, I knew. I knew I could achieve the highest level in tennis so I had to do this as often as I could. Then I could have a successful career. Since that moment, I've been in the Top 10 of tennis rankings.